Protect Your Kitchen Splashback From Greasy Splatters With These Items

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If you love the deliciousness of bacon, your glass splashback may bear the brunt of that tasty treat, as it gets hit with splatters of fat from cooking. Tired of the mess? Luckily, there are a few things that can help protect your glass splashback. Take a look at these ideas:

1. A Lid and a Towel

If you are frying bacon, stop the greasy splatters from hitting your splashback by popping a lid on your frying pan. Alternatively, keep in mind that splatters often occur when fat or oil hits water. As the oil is insoluble in water, it beads up and splatters off. To minimise this effect, make sure that your pan is thoroughly toweled dry before you start cooking. Finally, keep the pan on relatively low heat, as that tends to create less bubbling and splattering than high heat.

2. Cling Film

Give your splashback an extra layer of protection with some cling film. To be really effective, you may want to buy a container of cling film designed for use in commercial kitchens. Those containers are wider than conventional containers of cling film purchased for residential kitchens. To use it, simply pull off a big sheet of cling film, and smooth it onto your glass splash back. When you are done cooking the bacon, remove the cling film, and enjoy your clean splashback.

3. Dish Soap

If you've already cooked your bacon and you're currently facing a splashback full of greasy splatters, you will need to clean it. Traditional glass cleaners aren't up to the job of removing grease. That is why you should start with a few drops of dish soap on a wet sponge and then scrub at the splashback. The soap will cut through the grease and help to remove it. Once the entire splashback is clean should you use some ammonia or glass cleaner to polish it.

4. Baking Tin or Microwave Safe Dish

If you're tired of greasy bacon splatters on your splashback, keep in mind that cooking bacon in a frying pan is certainly not the only way to prepare it. If you have a baking tin, just lay the bacon in there and pop it in the oven at about 180 -190 degrees Centigrade or level 4 or 5 gas mark. Just keep an eye on it and pull it out when it's your desired level of doneness.

Alternatively, if you don't' want your oven to heat up your home, place the bacon on a microwave safe dish, cover it loosely with cling wrap to reduce splatters in the microwave and heat on high for a minute or two at a time until it's done.  
